Sonntag, 26. Januar 2014

Global Temperature Graphs: Which is the right one? Part two.

Global Temperature Graphs: Which is the right one? Part two.

In part one we have seen that choosing a global temperature graph and not only see surface or land only seems not to be a good idea. In the long run, the data seem to give a clear picture. But now we should check what differences are there between the various global temp curves.

Let's go to and compare some of them:

Red: is the Woodfortrees index, which combines the for following graphs:

Green: GISTEMP from NASA Godard Institute
Blue: HADCRUT, which we know already, from Hadley Centre, UK
Pink: RSS, satellite measurements of land and sea surface from Remote Sensing Systems
Turquoise: UAH, satellite measurements from University of Alabama in Huntsville

You see, they differ not much in the time span from 1979 until today. So we could use one of them, or to show neutrality, only the WTI index. So the answer to our former question is:

If you want to go back to the nineteenth century, you have to choose either HADCRUT (from 1850) or GISTEMP (from 1880). From 1979 Satellite data are also available, so you can add RSS or UAH, or use the WFT Index.

Note: Of course, there are some differences, but you can't go really wrong with any of them.

AS we have the graphs available now, we could check how they look like. There is no clear line up or down, but some zigzagging with an upward trend. Just let's try to describe the pattern.
  • We can see something like double spike and a through, a double spike and a through, and so on.
  • We can also see a very high spike in 1998, which was the El Nino weather pattern.
  • And if we know about the Mt Pinatubo eruption in 1991, we see a deep through after that year, in 1992and 1993. Some say that the volcano caused the whole decline of 0.5°C, but as we see with the other troughs, some part of it could be because of other variations, so only 0.2 °C are left.
It's just a very small look into that topic, but we can see patterns in temperature graphs, and there seem to be possible ties to natural incidents on our earth.

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